b'W E L C O M EWe are so fortunate to have such an amazing following of growers!Thank you for your continued support, ideas, & collaboration.We value and appreciate your trust in us to produce plants that help you achieve your goals.We only succeed when you do.All the best,Founder PresidentTISSUE CULTURE LAB CONTRACT GROWINGOur tissue culture laboratories have the ability We want to produce for you!We do proprietary to produce millions of contaminant-free elite tissue culture propagation.Please contact us to plants for all types of markets. The key benefits discuss different growing opportunities.of tissue culture are consistent quality, juvenilevigor, superior branching, true to type plants, SERVICESand rapid build up which allow us to respond toneeds quickly. Our highly skilled and experienced Researchand Development team offers a full range of plant CUSTOMER SERVICE tissue culture services.We have a great team that gives personalized Plant tissue culture initiationattention to each order to guarantee exceptional Proprietary propagation & growingservice. Our goal is 100% Customer Satisfaction. Development of new and improved cultivarsOUR PRODUCTSElite stock maintenanceAll plants in our catalog are grown in a 72 cell Virus eliminationpack tray. We use stabilized media from the I nternational and domestic material transfershighest quality substrates. Stabilized mediaClean room / laminar flow hood projectsholds the liner together during handling and transplanting, and makes the whole processIf you have any other needs please do not faster for our customers!hesitate to ask, we are very capable of takingSTATE OF THE ARTon other special projects.GREENHOUSES Please contact Special Projects Manager,David Lawson, in the R&D department atOur liners are grown in sophisticated,david@agristarts.comenvironmentally controlled greenhouses withcrop specific designs to ensure high quality.We use ebb and flood irrigation with a CHECK OUT OUR CURRENTharvesting system which allows us tocapture and reuse our water and fertilizer.PRICING AND AVAILABILITYAT AGRISTARTS.COM'