b"EDIBLES |FRUIT FIGFRUIT COLORBREBAMAIN VARIETIES HIGHLIGHTS & SIZE HEIGHT 1 STCROP 2 NDCROPFicus carica 'Kadota' Excellent for preserves & canningThe Fig Newton fig MWell-adapted to SW 15-20 ftFicus carica 'Lattarula' Good for cool & warm climates(Syn. Italian Honey) Very sweet flavor M 5-8 ftCompact treeNEW Ficus carica Produces a large crop'LSU Gold' Sweet honey flavor LHolds up well in late season rains 10-15 ftFicus carica'LSU Purple' Potential for 3 crops in warm climatesHeavy main crop MHigh sugar content 8-10 ftFicus carica 'Magnolia' Excellent cold hardiness(Syn. Brunswick) Pick before they ripen L 4-10 ftExcellent for preserves & canningFicus carica 'Olympian' Incredible Breba (first) cropTangerine sized fruit XLRich flavor character 10-15 ftFicus carica 'Violette DeExcellent quality Breba (first) crop Bordeaux' Adapts well to containers M 5-10 ftDelightful, complex flavorFicus carica'Yellow Long Neck' Sweet as honeyHuge, bright yellow fruit XLAttractive plant 4-8 ft Cool Season FigsProduce strong 1st Crop (Breba), Potential in Zone 6Ficus carica 'Fignomenal''Lattarula'42 SALES@AGRISTARTS.COM407-889-8055"